Microsoft CRM/xRM User Group – Auckland

CRM leads at 7 Auckland-based partners have joined forces with Microsoft New Zealand to start a CRM/xRM user group in Auckland. Our aim is to meet once a month (first Tuesday of every month) for a 1 hour session.

Our first session is going to be on the 2’nd of March from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Entry is free and there will be plenty of drinks and pizza to go around. The topics for our first session are:

  • Business Productivity
  • New Capabilities (to be presented by me)
  • User Experience
  • To register, visit this site. Hope to see you on the 2’nd!

    Create Deployment Administrator via Database

    Recently I had to make some changes to a CRM server and needed to run the Deployment Manager tool. However, I had performed the installation with an account that had elevated security rights to my own one. In such a situation, proper protocol and best-practice administration dictates that one asks the appropriate individual to simply create a new Deployment Administrator. However, if you wanted to circumvent the rules, here’s how:

    1. Open your user record in Microsoft CRM and copy your user id (Ctrl + N),

    2. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the MSCRM_CONFIG database and select ‘New Query’,

    3. Run the following query to work out your Id and UserId from the SystemUserOrganisations table:

    select Id, UserId
    from SystemUserOrganizations
    where CrmUserId = 'f01af5f8-959e-de11-9f0f-00188bfcb0e0' // replace with your CrmUserId

    4. Now use the returned Id and UserId and insert into the SystemUserRoles table:

    insert into SystemUserRoles
    ('F51AF5F8-959E-DE11-9F0F-00188BFCB0E0' // replace with your ID returned above
    ,'F31AF5F8-959E-DE11-9F0F-00188BFCB0E0' // replace with your UserId returned above

    You should be able to access the Deployment Manager now.